CALCIO BALILLA - Seizoen 2019
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Afdeling | Speler naam | Team | Lidnummer | Ranking |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D8043 | 2P | |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D8555 | 3P | |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D7158 | 1P | |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D7787 | 3P | |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D9606 | 4P | |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D7161 | 3P | |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D8932 | 3P | |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D9687 | 4P | |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D9682 | 4P | |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D8703 | 4P | |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D7165 | 3P | |
3C | CALCIO BALILLA | D9699 | 4P |
Datum | Beker/Competitie | Thuis | Uit | Score |
29/08/2019 | Beker Trofee van Regio Oost | DE GROENTJES | CALCIO BALILLA | 3 - 15 |
05/09/2019 | Beker Trofee van Regio Oost | CALCIO BALILLA | DE GROENTJES | 13 - 5 |
12/09/2019 | Beker Trofee van Regio Oost | CALCIO BALILLA | THE ROADRUNNERS | 0 - 0 |
19/09/2019 | Beker Trofee van Regio Oost | THE ROADRUNNERS | CALCIO BALILLA | 0 - 0 |
26/09/2019 | Competitie 3C | CALCIO BALILLA | NARCOTICS KC | 13 - 5 |
03/10/2019 | Competitie 3C | STAR KC | CALCIO BALILLA | 2 - 16 |
10/10/2019 | K.v. Regio oost | |||
17/10/2019 | K.v. Regio oost | |||
24/10/2019 | Competitie 3C | NT34 | CALCIO BALILLA | 4 - 14 |
31/10/2019 | Inhaaldag | |||
07/11/2019 | Competitie 3C | CALCIO BALILLA | TALLEKES TVC | 10 - 8 |
14/11/2019 | Competitie 3C | DEN DRIES | CALCIO BALILLA | 3 - 15 |
21/11/2019 | Competitie 3C | CALCIO BALILLA | PDTG ROSTI | 14 - 4 |
28/11/2019 | Competitie 3C | PDTG BAR ABAS | CALCIO BALILLA | 8 - 10 |
05/12/2019 | Competitie 3C | CALCIO BALILLA | PDTG GNOCCHI | 13 - 5 |
12/12/2019 | Competitie 3C | BALANJA | CALCIO BALILLA | 8 - 10 |
19/12/2019 | Beker | |||
26/12/2019 | Inhaaldag | |||
02/01/2020 | Competitie 3C | CALCIO BALILLA | DE KNOKCLUB | 11 - 7 |
09/01/2020 | Competitie 3C | LIQUIDATORS | CALCIO BALILLA | 4 - 14 |
16/01/2020 | Beker | |||
23/01/2020 | Competitie 3C | NARCOTICS KC | CALCIO BALILLA | 8 - 10 |
30/01/2020 | Competitie 3C | CALCIO BALILLA | STAR KC | 13 - 5 |
06/02/2020 | Beker | |||
13/02/2020 | Competitie 3C | CALCIO BALILLA | NT34 | 0 - 0 |
20/02/2020 | Competitie 3C | TALLEKES TVC | CALCIO BALILLA | 10 - 8 |
27/02/2020 | Competitie 3C | CALCIO BALILLA | DEN DRIES | 16 - 2 |
05/03/2020 | Competitie 3C | PDTG ROSTI | CALCIO BALILLA | 8 - 10 |
12/03/2020 | K.v. Regio oost | |||
19/03/2020 | K.v. Regio oost | |||
26/03/2020 | Competitie 3C | CALCIO BALILLA | PDTG BAR ABAS | 0 - 0 |
02/04/2020 | Beker | |||
09/04/2020 | Beker | |||
16/04/2020 | Competitie 3C | PDTG GNOCCHI | CALCIO BALILLA | 0 - 0 |
23/04/2020 | Competitie 3C | CALCIO BALILLA | BALANJA | 0 - 0 |
30/04/2020 | Competitie 3C | DE KNOKCLUB | CALCIO BALILLA | 0 - 0 |
07/05/2020 | Competitie 3C | CALCIO BALILLA | LIQUIDATORS | 0 - 0 |
14/05/2020 | Eindronde | |||
21/05/2020 | Eindronde | |||
28/05/2020 | Eindronde | |||
04/06/2020 | Eindronde |